Grand Theft Autoerotica

-Pac-Man: Secret bonus level in which Pac-Man forcibly rapes Ms. Pac-Man. Also, it is revealed in level 249 that Pac-Man is actually an African-American and that the ghosts are KKK members.
-Super Mario Bros.: Bonus round shows the Princess in the middle of a "Plumber Sandwich" Mario and Luigi utter phrases such as "Do you like this Italian sausage, you slut?"
-Donkey Kong: Bonus round is the same as in Super Mario Bros., except there's one plumber, and one 800 lb. gorilla.
-The Legend of Zelda: Entering a secret code allows Link to sell himself to local merchants in exchange for weapons & armor.
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cut-scene in the final level shows Splinter molesting Pre-Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles.
-Rad Racer: Ending reveals that you we're running drugs for the Cuban mafia.
-Pong: Upon finishing level 999, 37-minutes of hardcore pornography starring John Holmes appears on screen.
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