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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Olympic Sport Suggestions

Baseball and softball, two symbols of America, will not be played following the 2008 Olympic games. Because of the loss of these two great American sports, I propose many new sports for the 2012 Olympic games.

-Tetherball. The film "Napoleon Dynamite" brought a resurgence in the popularity of tetherball among high-school students. They will be in their peak tetherball years by 2012.

-Competitive Ouija Board. This sport will go over big in countries with a voodoo/witchcraft tradition.

-Breakdancing. This will inspire the current generation of urban youth to pursue their dreams of one day breakdancing on a broken down cardboard box in front of millions.

-Filibustering. The ultimate endurance sport.

-Competitive Eating. Don't discount the dedication of these obese, sedentary athletes.

-Dodgeball. Do I have to explain this one, fat kid?

-Competitive Pole Dancing. I just want to see pole dancing, I don't have a convincing argument.


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